Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 34 Cabin Fever Blues #8 (GC23Z6Y)

    This is day 34. BooYah. I gotta tell you the days are getting shorter the weather is getting colder. The long strolls through the woods hunting down geo caches are comeing to a close. That is ok though. There are plenty of fun and easy to find caches around here. Today Novalee, Takoda, Niki, KC, and I tackled one of these fast and fun caches.
    Niki and I logged onto the geocaching web page, and looked at a few caches. We are planning our trip. We definitely don't want to turn the kids into icicles. Niki was wondering about the Cabin Fever Blues #8 cache, by Pegasis. Niki looked at me, “It is on JoJo road next to the Leave It to Beaver cache.” I look up at her, “I like beaver.” We both know that this is childish. I think she tolerates my angst just so as not to see me mope . It is one of the many little sacrifices she makes on my behalf... Poor Niki... We decide on Cabin Fever Blues. I know this because she has lost interest in the geocaching web page. I load the cache info onto the GPS. This is what is great about the ExPlorist GC GPS. It is very easy to use when compared to my old Garmin 5.
    We pack up the kids and the Dog. Drive to JoJo road. Park the car in a good place. We let KC run free until we realize the cache is near the road. We walk along the road Takoda is running ahead. I have to ask him to walk back to us a couple of times. He doe not like this. I figure it is no big deal except I am teaching him to listen. It is kinda funny I really don't care. Traffic is light. Unfortunately if he chose not to listen and come back to us things would get crazy. That is what I hate about being a “the dad.” Can't really do it with out being a dick. That is ok too, cause I come from a long line of dicks. I like the next stage of father hood. You know the one where I can be a friend. Can't get there without being a dick first though. Grr.
    The GPS guides us within 6 feet of the cache. We are on a bridge. I am excited, Niki is to. We have seen a cache similar to this before. “I bet it is in a magnet on the guard rail” Niki agrees we search the rail for 2 minutes. She found the cache. Very cool. I sign the log book. We decide to walk around the area a bit so KC can burn some energy. The days may be shorter but I believe this is the beginning of a beautiful weekend.

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