Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day 15 The "New" Forest Lawn Cache (GC1YD2)

I just got inside. It is 8:30pm. I have been working on my porch roof all day. I went geocaching first thing this morning. I have not had the time to relax and write this blog until now
Today was another beautiful day. Three days of great weather. Wow! I would have been happy to hunt for caches all day. I am glad that I have taken this time to enjoy my little hobby. Other things are definitely pressing, but I think there can be time for both work and play.
The cache was a mile away, KC and I walked., Niki and the kids met me at the cemetery where the cache is. I let KC run in the cemetery. He sprints around. Takoda leads KC further and further away. Get those too together and they will forget themselves until one of them is hit by a car. Niki re-leashes KC and Takoda begins to mellow also. We manage to get within 3 feet of this cache quickly. It is near a Civil War memorial. KC barks at the statue. Forgets it is there and barks at it again. This cracks Niki and I up. We refocus our attention onto the cache hunt. Niki finds the cache. Wow BiddleBeach is very good at hiding fun caches. Once the log book is signed Niki walks off, the kids and KC are with her. I take pirctures and write a little poem. This is a peaceful place... I like it.

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