60 caches in 60 days.... Really? No, not really. Niki was working so it was me and the kids plus KC. I decided on the Watermill Meadow cache by Pegasis because I am by now familiar with the area. Virginia and I had been out here a few times. Then again Niki and I had found the Ancient Forest revisited cache out here also. So it was familiarity that helped me decide on this one.
We drove out to the parking area. We weren't alone. It seems that a couple had decided this would be a great place to walk their dog. KC was so excited. He barked a few times. KC loves other dogs. I took my time getting the kids dressed in their hunters orange. So as the couple could have a good head start. Then I got KC out of the car. It was the leash for him. I usually let him run, not this time though. I was not quite sure how well KC would be received by the other dog.
We walked. Very, very slowly. It seems Novalee does not like GeoCacheing any more. Poor thing. Takoda walked ahead. I walked next to Novalee, keeping pace with her, while KC tried pulling my arm off. He pulled from the left and then too the right. Urging me forward. He eagerly sniffed out spots to mark. He whined, his tail wagged. He pulled. He so wanted to catch up to the other dog. Me I walked slow next to Novalee resisting the poor dogs pull. Every now and again we could hear the other dog bark off in the distance.
Eventually we saw the other couple and their dog walking towards us, on their way back out to their vehicle. This in itself is not a problem. KC became no more of a challenge to hold. He is a medium sized dog so is very easy to handle. Unfortunately Takoda. my boy. He had been enjoying the chaos that lead up til this moment. He knew that something interesting might happen if the two dogs met. Knowing this Takoda decided to try and facilitate the meeting by running up towards the people like a lunatic.... screaming "HI!" I was sorta prepared for this so I called Takoda back before he could get too close. Takoda quasi listened. He got close to the couple and their dog just hovering outside of arm, and leash length. I called Takoda again, "Takoda! Come back here! You don't just go up to people in that way." I got to give the other people credit. They kept their dog back. The man was even kind enough to warn us that his dog did not do well with kids. KC of course was pulling and whining. I was petting him, "Calm down boy" It only took moments for the other couple and their dog to walk on past. We waited. After wards I let Takoda know what he already knew. "You don't run up to strangers and or stranger dogs that way. That is one way to earn a spanking. Not this time though, but it could. Think about it." He looked up at me with his big blue eyes, and with perfect voice inflection, "I'm sorry Dad" I just looked down at him, "Yeah bud, Just don't let it happen again.
I continued to walk KC. He pulled less now that the other dog had passed. Novalee still dragged her feet. Then she began to bargain. "I don't like geocacheing." "Its cold, The cold makes me sick" She had a lot of reasons for not continuing. So we continued. Eventually I was able to let KC off the leash. Shortly after that we found the cache. It was a good sized cache with lots of goodies in it. The kids each traded for an item and I signed the log book, then we re hid the cache and headed home.
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