Blah. The only one of us who really felt like geo-caching today was KC. Just as soon as I got home he got excited.Tail wagging with anticipation. He had to wait though as I sorta helped Takoda trudge through his home work. He had a rough day today at school so he lost TV priveleges for the night. I don't think he is happy with me. Niki is the real trooper as far as homework goes. She plugs away with him through all the procastination and every thing. Me I just make guest appearances here and there, and then pat myself on the shoulder... Yeah I am a great dad.... Sigh. Eventually Tokoda finished his homework then we left for the hunt.
We decided to head for Camp ANF-7 Revisited, by Pegasis. It was taking the GPS a while to get its bearings so we just decided to start up along route 6 and head to the ANF parking area. I knew this cache was in the area. We were half way there, when the GPS beeped. I was thinking, bout time you joined us... I don't know if I will ever owne another Magellan.. I seriously doubt. If you want awesome go Garmin.... :( Fortunately for us we had been heading in the right direction... "Surprise" A couple of minutes later we were parked. Niki asked, "Is the cache across the road?" I zoomed in on the map feature of the GPS. "Yep! It sure is" I was anxious to get going. Takoda was lolly gagging in front of the ANF sign.... I am glad he has taken an interest in reading but come on. The sun would be fading soon. I patted my pocket reassured my flash lights were in there. "Novalee wanna hold my hand?" I tried. "No, I wanna listen" then she pointed at the sign. Ok? Whatever that meant. I waited for a few minutes and the geo-caching train finally left the station. Niki corralled the kids on on each hand. I had KC on the leash and we were crossing the road.
The trail was nice and wide. The weather not cold but definately a fall cool. The loweing sun shown brightly on the trees. I love this brief part of the fall day. I began to relax. I began to enjoy myself. I had unhitched KC moments earlier. He ran. His enthusiasm always brings a smile to my face. Soon after that Niki and I were holding hands. The didstance between us and the cash grew smaller as my outlook on the day grew brighter. Before we knew it we were bush whacking into the woods hunting for the exact location of the cache. Niki spotted it first. Then we gave the kids time to find it. Takoda was the first to spot it. He let out an excited yell. I signed the log book. Then we headed back to van under a setting sun.
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