Wow what a glorious day. The sun shines. The temp out side is about 20 degrees. Novalee and I are bundled up against the cold and KC is running around with mad delight. Ha, ha, does it get any better then this. I think not. We trod along slowly in the ANF admiring natures master piece. The white fluffy snow that has been building up on the upper branches of the tree slowly ride wind currents down to the ground. It is snow fall in sunlight magnified, and yet the snow does not fall as much as it drifts in a mosh pit of gentle breezes. Enough though I could describe this all day and still not re capture the feeling and awe I felt as we slowly trundled along the trail that would lead us to the Tree Frog Cache, by chucklesmd86 & Goingthreesixtys.
To be fair though the cache really belongs too a child who recieved it as part of what sounds like a very fun birthday party. The child and the father hid the cache out here and Novalee and I father and daughter have ventured fourth to seek it out.
We walk on a unmaintained road that branches off from Wetmore rd. Because of a late December thaw the snow is not too deep. That and there are tire tracks that have compacted the fluffy white snow. The going is good. The GPS steadily counts down the 900 feet that is between us and the cache.
KC has found something bony, and organic. He is carrying it around like a trophy daring me deprive him of his prize. Novalee is kinda up set about it. I figure I should let him have it for a bit. As long as he does not bring it into the van. Soon enough we were within 90 feet of the cache, and it was time for some bush whacking.
I carried Novalee up a steep bankend and through some pricker bushes then set her down safely. We were now within 65 feet of the cache, and surrounded by trees. :) We milled around a bit and found ourselves within 20 feet of the cache. I found a big piece of bark leaning against a stump that looked like a royal chair. A throne in the middle of the woods. I looked under the bark. The cache was not there. Novalee however lit up when she saw the bark. I began to head towards the next likely hiding spot for the cache. Novalee who was fallowing me piped up, "Look dadda a boat. I have a boat." The little thing how cute was that she was dragging the bark behind her. It was her boat. I smiled down at her and continues on my way towards where I thought the cache was. Novalee was saying something about the bark being a sled now :) "I'm going to ride it down the hill." I was poking around in what looked like a fine place to hide a cache. I looked back, "Ok babs" It was then my probing hands had located the cache. It was frozen in place so I dug it out. It looked like a neat container. It had some sort of a plastic stump attached to the top. Then on top of that some sort of a broken mechanical contraption. Unfortunately water had made its way inside the cache container destroying the log book. I found a piece of paper in my pocket, signed and dated it. Then sealed it in the cache container. I re hid the cache.Novalee, KC, and I headed back to the van
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