Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 2 Kane Travel Bug Motel (GC11Q3Q)

   It is morning, and I've decided I should get into the habit of (GeoCaching) (GC), (Questing) in the morning. My first thought this morning, "I really don't feel like GeoCaching today" Lucky it was a weak thought. It is funny though, I really like GCing. I have since the first time  I read about it in the back of a Knights of the Dinner Table, comic book by Kenzer Co., boy have I had a few laugh out loud moments reading the Knights, though I digress. Lets just say GC sorta instantly resonated with who I am. It also resonates well with most of my friends. Most of us have enjoyed the hobby together at one time or another.  And why not? It  is an inexpensive social activity that gives cause to go and see what's around the bend. It is a map to secret places that are important enough to have been shared.  It is very imortant to share, and have shared special places & events such as sun sets. I beleive that we are unique in that we aknowledge things and give them meaning. Practically speaking a sun set is very important to the functioning of life as we know it. But if I do not recognize that it is a beautiful event at a certain place then that beauty is lost. It has no meaning. On the other hand when I share the sun set with a lover who appreciates it, and its ambience leads to a moment of shared bliss. That place has gained meaning for two people and the place is no longer just a place t is a special place. If my lover and I give that special place a name, which when said at the right time invokes an emotional response... Well lets just say I appreciate the power in the sentiment, so yes for various reasons GeoCaching resonated with me from the beginning. For now I stumble across many a special places that I love to share.
   What I do not understand is why despite enjoying GCing I woke up not wanting to GC on day 2 of  my 365 days of GeoCaching. My only guess is that it has something to do with the fine art of self sabotage (SS) I seem to have brought up to a level I can only call art. Today I chose to ignore thoughts of SS.
  I asked Niki if she and Novalee wanted to join me on this GC. She did, even though it was raining. She told me Novalee likes using her umbrella, and KC needed to go on his morning walk.  I donned my felt  cowboy hat. It is actually a fedora, and it is great rain gear. Keeps my head quite dry. I also wore my blue fall coat. Not my preferred color, but it was given to me by a very nice lady whose husband no longer had use for it.  Niki wore her 04 super bowl champion Patriots sweat shirt. She LOVES the PATs... Go Pats! Have they won a Super Bowl since they stopped cheating? The question was, South Park "Sooo Kewl"  I packd my camera in my GC back pack. I am no great photographer but that does not stop me from trying.
   Niki got KC, Novalee and I waited for them to join us. I fired up my gps checked for the nearest cache. It was Kane Travel But Motel (GC11Q3Q), this cache was .4 miles away. Niki and I studied the layout of the land displayed on the GPS. We decided that we should travel Janeway up through the 100 block to its end where it intersects with Chase street. It looked as though we could follow Chase til its termination on Greeves St and be in the ball park of the Cache. All of us being in good spirits began our journey. I walked up hill along Janeway street noting not for the first time that I liked the sidewalks  here in Kane. They are generally in good repair. Niki walked beside me KC staying just ahead of her, he is much easier to walk with the choke caller. Novalee hung back a bit, making sure not to step on the cracks. She manages to turn most every thing into a game. The street is a slight incline. The 200 block of Janeway ends at Dawson. Today I am looking at houses. I like to look at roofs and windows. I will be working on both at my house when time and money permits. We cross Dawson and continue onto Janeway the 100 block the grade is steeper and we cross to the side of Janeway where the sidewalk is in better condition. Novalee begins to sing a medley of non sence songs. It is kinda cute. KC sniffs around for places that need watering. Niki and flirt back and forth. I have moments when I am in such a good mood, I can not help but let it burst fourth. I am afraid I come off as a bit of a spazz sometimes, today however I just don't care about that. I let out a "Manomanah" Niki smiles and adds a "Doodoodadoodoo" I laugh, she smiles. Thank You Jim Hensen. We come to the end of Janeway 100 block and turn left onto Chase Street. Kane does not have a Main St I guess most consider Frailey St as such, but a lot of the action happens on Chase St. Here you will find 3 magnificent churches St Callistas, the First Babtist, and the Presbyterian. The Eagles club, and Friends Memorial Library are nestled between the St Callistas and the First Baptist, which is the only brick Baptist church I have ever seen. Also along  the other side of Chase st is 4Sons Texas Hot arguably the most popular dining spot in Kane... Amongst all this on the corner of Chase and Bayard is the ruins of a brick building which succumbed to flames embrace  in the not to distant past. This building was once the home of a eatery/dance hall. Fire tore a hole through the roof. When I first moved to Kane I fell in love with this place. If I had the resources I would open a cafe/book store here. It is a little dream of mine. The location is perfect with the Churches so close and Texas Hot being diagonal across the way  on the side of the road within view. Their is even room for a parking lot. This building is at the nexus of commerce. I discuss this with Niki once again as we walk by. She agrees with everything I say and we both awkwardly put it out of our minds. It is not every day that such a gold mine is so close but so far from within my grasp. I sigh look at the GPS we are close to the cache now. We continue to the end of Chase, here it intersects Greeves. On the other side of Greeves there is the United Methodist Church and the Kane Motel. We check for traffic, Niki recites the words I penned so long ago to help the kids when crossing the street. "Look left, look right, no cars in sight" Novalee stumbles along with the recitation getting the sounds right if  not the words. We head for the Kane Motel,  the where abouts of the cache has just become obvious. The gps verifies my speculation. I found the Cache quickly. It is outside of the Motel but on the property. I have stayed at this motel before. Two Aprils ago. Jeff and I stayed here one night when we could not stand the smell of ourselves any longer. He came here to help me work on the house that I now live in. He is a good guy and I sometimes miss my good friend who would travel so far just to help me out. I salute you Jeff. The owners of the Kane Motel are good people who treated us fairly and honestly I should have known they were geocachers... lol. This is a good place and we take pictures, then head home... A very good day

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